
Organizational Structure

The organization shall consist of Executive Committee as well as General Body. The general body of the association will be composed of life and regular members. First Nominated Executive Committee. The first body will be nominated for one year and then it will be confirmed or changed by the first elections. 1.Powers ami Functions of the General Body

  • shall lay down under the policy of the Association
  • will consider and approve the annual report of the activities of the Association and audit the statement of accounts of the Association
  • will have the power to approve the budget as prepared by the executive committee
  • for the ensuring year at its annual meeting
  • will appoint auditors for the audit of the accounts of the Association
  • will be the final decisive authority in all matters of the Association after the chairman
2.Executive Committee The Executive Committee will consist of the office bearers and several area / zonal directors, to be nominated / elected time to time, The main body will include following designation with the supreme authority of the chairman.
  • President
  • Vice President
  • General Secretary
  • Joint Secretary
  • Office Secretary
  • Media Secretary
  • Finance Secretary

Duties Of The Office Bearers President The President shall be the executive head of the Association. He shall preside over the meetings of the general body and executive board and shall confirm the minutes of the last meeting.

  • He shall have the to spend an amount of up to Rs. 5000 from the funds.
  • He shall have the casting vote in case of a tie.
  • Association, Without the prior sanction of the executive board.
Vice President The Vice President will have the Some powers of the president in the absence of the president. General Secretary
  • Shall exercise all the powers as may be delegated to him in conducting the general affairs of the Association.
  • Will sign the certificates of membership ad will ensure that the certificates reached to the person concerned.
  • Shall do all the correspondence on behalf of the Association
  • Shall maintain an up to date record of all the members with their personal details.
  • With the assistance of Office Secretary
  • Shall supervise the affairs of the Association under the supervision or the President.
  • Shall convene meetings, collect minutes and maintain other records of the Association.
  • Shall has the power to incur all expenditure lip to Rs, 2000,00 per month for the Association and will present the details for approval in the next meeting of the general body.
  • Shall disburse the payments of the Association and obtain the :tl’prllv;ll lroru the president
  • Shall prepare the annual report of the activities of the Association and & present it to the general body.
The secretary shall also send a report on the under mentioned points to the president after every three months.
  • Latest list of members of the Association.
  • Accounts balance statement of the Association.
  • Due date of elections
  • Any important report concerning the Association
  • Suggestions and recommendations fur the progress of the Association
Joint Secretary Will assist and perform the duties of the Secretary in his absence. Office Secretary Will assist do all the office work and will prepare the reports and will keep the record of the association under the instructions of the Secretary or President. Media Secretary
  • Will prepare the reports to be published in print media.
  • Will prepare a newsletter as per finalized by the committee.
  • Liaison with print and electronic media.
  • Will publish or announce after getting approval/confirmation from the Secretary / President.
Finance Secretary
  • Shall maintain the accounts.
  • Operate the bank account jointly with the President or Secretary.
  • Disburse the payment for verified and approved bills.
  • Shall prepare the annual accounts statement.
  • Shall prepare an estimated annual budget.
  • Shall ensure the completion of annual audit report to be audited by the appointed auditors.
  • Shall perform other duties, as may be assigned by the President shall acknowledge receipts to all the contributors.
Following functions are also to be taken care of by the office bearers.
  • To approve the minutes of the last meetings.
  • The act upon the general body and devise various means to give practical shape to the policy of the general body
  • Will be responsible for overall administration of the Association and will manage its day to day ‘routine affairs
  • To appoint sub-committees for different purposes, when and where required to appoint, suspend or dismiss the paid staff, if required
  • To approve any scheduled bank to open an account of the Association
  • To present an annual report alongwith the audited statement of accounts to the general body.